Corporate Profile & Capabilities
DIFFERENT TECH is a company that has started selling web hosting early in 2007 and getting inspiration from the response that it got, we decided to launch this site making a bulk of facilities available especially for the Bangladeshi mass.
DIFFERENT TECH is a leading Web development & IT enabled company registered under Dhaka city corporation, Bangladesh in 2010. But we have been into our operation since 2007 as a freelancer with regular clients in all over Bangladesh , India, UK , US, Canada. With a vision to promote employment
opportunity and becoming the best IT company , we started our service in web design, graphics, online hosting server solution.
The company is founded by Mr. NOORHAD ABIR (Web Consultant & CEO )
with a team size of 3 person in year 2007, which is today a team of 22 people & there are Indirect (freelancer) employee all over the world.
With the expansion of internet use and the growing opportunity of earning money just by having a well developed site. But the complexity of buying the space, domain name has always discouraged us as we do not have the facilities like PayPal or CC in our country. All this complexities have been eradicated as we have a hand to hand cash payment system.
As we want to help the cause of flourishing internet use to the maximum level in the country, we inspire our clients to have a well developed site which will undoubtedly match the standard of any site available on internet. With this view we have hired a bunch of highly skilled web designers who will design your site exactly as you wish it to be.
As far as the quality of our service is concerned, we have our main office and technical set up in Dhaka and we use the most efficient technology available to ensure the safety of our honored clients. We have automated systems that will solve almost all the problems (if there is any) by itself and if there is any exceptional case that needs to be given special attention then, we have a set of experienced and skilled professionals who are pretty much the best at what they do and they are on their feet to solve any problem that you face, as quick as possible.
Our sole purpose of launching the site is to ensure more quality and cash earning sites in Bangladesh and we are committed to you to ensure the fact that you are satisfied with the service we provide and with the maintenance of your site. We also tend to change the misconception that having a well developed site is expensive and almost impossible if you are in Bangladesh.
The world is riding lightening fast on the internet. We think it’s time for us to make our moves. To make that happen you are welcome to share your ideas and advices with us.
Different Tech working's Main Aim to connect peoples in anywhere with anybody, We try to Give the Low price of domain, Hosting & web design Thus people can make their own easily without any hesitation. We Working Hard for forwarding our services to much, Hope you'll be commuter with us
Different Tech was founded to bring world class web designing services in Bangladesh with utmost professionalism. We are perhaps the only organization in the country that is dedicatedly providing solely the web designing ,Domain Register , web site design, development, networking service. We would appreciate any suggestion or objections given by our respected clients
Our vision
To be a global IT solution provider and to become one of the most preferred IT Service, Support, Solution partner in the world
we aim to offer cost effective high quality IT solutions & Support to every customer and to translate our solutions into value for our customers. We are also committed to conduct our business in a transparent, ethical, legal and fair manner at every level of our organization from recruitment to product/service delivery.
Business Documentation
We Have valid Business Permission. We have up to date Valid Trade License

Organization : Different Tech
Business Ownership type : proprietor
Business Type : Software, Internet
Business Owner : Noorhad kabir Abir
Business license Issuer : Dhaka City Corporation, Word 14, Issue Serial No 5540. Licence No: 0716640
BASIS Membership
DIFFERENT TECH is Member of BASIS (Bangladesh Association of Software & Information Services)

BASIS Membership Certificate

For Join DIFFERENT TECH Team Please send you cv via mail :
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with attaching samples of your work (live link) Mention all Educational background, personal info, contact info , skill , aim , working experiences, reference etc